Physical therapy guide & exercises for diastasis recti

Have you been told, or suspect you have a diastasis recti or a separation of the abdominal muscles? Do you want to flatten your stomach with diastasis recti exercises?

Diastasis recti is a separation of the outer rectus abdominis or '6 pack' muscles in the midline of the abdomen. Unfortunately, many women with diastasis recti return to ineffective abdominal workouts. The improper abdominal exercises might obstruct or postpone diastasis healing.

Diastasis Recti Video (see video above)

This diastasis recti video exercise routine is a great place to start your rehabilitation. Scroll down for additional information on how to deal with diastasis recti after pregnancy and childbirth.

8 More diastasis Recti Exercises

1. Bridges

Bridges are relatively easy exercises and can be performed by most women who have given birth or people who have diastasis recti without the aid of a professional trainer.

The movement of this exercise is lifting your hips up and down like you're doing the actual bridge in the gym, while making sure that you keep your stomach muscles contracted and your knees do not go over the line of your toes.

You can perform this exercise as many times as you want. Rest for 30 seconds and repeat two more times.

It is crucial that you engage the transverse abdominis muscles before performing any movements which involves using your legs such as squats or deadlifts. This will significantly decrease the risk of exacerbating your diastasis recti.

2. Planks

Planks are one of the best exercises to perform if you want to strengthen your core muscles and improve your overall stability while having fun at the same time!  

It is important, however, that you keep everything tight - this means keeping your stomach and gluteal muscles engaged and your neck and shoulders straight.

Keep your feet together and your core engaged as you lift yourself up vertically, making sure that the shoulders do not go ahead of the wrists. Maintain this position for 10-30 seconds and rest for 30 seconds before repeating two more times.

3. Bird Dog

The bird dog is a great exercise for helping you with your balance and coordination in the long run. It's also perfect if you want to strengthen your abs and work on diastasis recti in general.

While this exercise may seem very easy at first, it actually requires a lot of effort both from the core muscles and from your limbs.

Start by assuming a push-up position on your elbows and keeping your core tight. Lift your right arm forward as you lift the left leg back towards your torso, maintaining balance. Repeat this motion with the opposite limbs to complete one rep.

4. Superman Holds

Superman holds are another great diastasis recti exercise that requires a lot of effort from your core muscles and your limbs. Since the only thing you need to perform this exercise is a floor, it's perfect for people who don't have access to fitness equipment such as gym machines or medicine balls.

Start on the floor on all fours with your arms and legs stretched out in front of you. Make sure that there is a straight line from your neck all the way down to your feet.

Now simply engage the core and gluteal muscles as you lift one limb at a time, making sure that you hold it in place for 10-30 seconds before repeating with the opposite limbs.

You can make this exercise more challenging by raising one arm and leg simultaneously while making sure that your core is tight.

If you're looking for more diastasis recti exercises, download our free diastasis recti fix app.

Main Features Diastasis Recti Fix app

  • An understanding in what a diastasis recti is, how you can test it, and why you should address it.

  • Step by step strategy to help you control your diastasis, by creating an awareness and control over your four abdominal layers. Advance from easier, static exercises to more demanding ones, in order to regain control over your core in complex situations, making your body bulletproof in daily life-, fitness- and sports-situations.

  • ­A specialized exercise routine with several difficulty and time levels per exercise, with detailed, short and clear video instructions for each exercise.

  • Tracks your progress and adapts the next workout according to your performance, so you keep advancing.

Continue: Diastasis recti exercises 5-8

5. Diastasis Recti Exercise 5

  • In side-lying, activate the deep abdominal muscles.

  • Begin by lying down on your side.

  • Feel your abdominal wall slightly inside your pelvic bone with your fingertips.

  • Draw the area behind your briefs inwards to activate your lower abdominal wall.

  • Keep this abdominal activation going for at least 10 seconds.

  • Continue to breathe normally throughout.

  • Return your abdominal wall to its resting position.

  • It's important to keep your upper abdomen relaxed throughout this workout.


Begin by learning to activate your deep abdominal muscles appropriately before gradually increasing the duration of this hold to up to 10 seconds at a time.

6. Diastasis Recti Exercise 6

Lying flat and activating the deep abdominal muscles.

  • Begin by reclining on your back.

  • Keep your feet flat and bend your knees.

  • Maintain your lower back's natural inward curvature throughout.

  • Place your fingertips just inside your pelvic bones on your lower abdomen wall.

  • Activate your deep abdominal muscles gently (same technique as exercise 1)

  • Keep this abdominal activation going for at least 10 seconds.

  • Continue to breathe normally throughout.

  • Return your abdominal wall to its resting position.

  • It's important to keep your upper abdomen relaxed throughout this workout.


Begin by learning to properly activate your deep abdominal muscles before gradually increasing the duration to up to 10 seconds.

How to prevent diastasis recti?

Split abs during pregnancy: How to recover after giving birth?

Diastasis Recti or Hernia: is it the same?

Visit our blog page to discover more great content to help you fix your diastasis recti!

7. Bent Knee Fall Outs Diastasis Recti Exercise

Increase the difficulty for your core muscles.

  • Begin by reclining on your back, legs bent and feet flat.

  • Maintain your lower back's natural inward curvature throughout.

  • Lower abdominal muscles should be activated (as for exercises 1 & 2)

  • Gently drop your right bent leg to your body's right side.

  • Maintain a bent left knee pointing upwards to the ceiling.

  • Throughout this exercise, keep your pelvis steady and avoid trunk rotation.

  • As soon as you feel movement in your trunk, return your right leg to its starting position.

  • Deep abdominal muscles should be relaxed.

  • When just beginning out, repeat 2-3 exercises on each side.

8. Heel Slides Diastasis Recti Exercise

Increase the difficulty for your core muscles.

  • Begin in the same position as you did in exercise 3.

  • Feel your lower abdominal muscles right inside your pelvis with your fingers.

  • Extend your right leg while gently activating your deep abdominal muscles.

  • Return your leg to its initial position when you feel your lower back arching.

  • Deep abdominal muscles should be relaxed.

  • When just beginning out, repeat 2-3 exercises on each side.

  • Increase the difficulty of this exercise by performing a series of diastasis recti exercises without releasing your abdominal tension.

  • When just beginning out, repeat 2-3 exercises on each side.

Looking for more Diastasis Recti Exercises?

Download our free application from the App Store. Use the button below to get direct access to more exercises to repair your diastasis recti!

Diastasis Recti Exercises: Key takeaways

After pregnancy and childbirth, appropriate diastasis recti exercises can help to reestablish deep abdominal control and enhance abdominal muscle repair.

The key to effective core strengthening is to guarantee proper deep abdominal activation technique before gradually challenging the deep abdominal muscles with workouts that enhance core control.

If you have diastasis recti, avoid doing strong core abdominal workouts and instead go for Physiotherapy deep core diastasis recti exercises.

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